you all may hate this
you all may hate this, but let me say it once
we are. you are.
still trapped in a spectrum
where selfishness alone triumphs
the algorithm whispers
think only of you
glorify this individualism
those all
you matters
put yourself first
your happiness first
you this
you that___
and now pushing them away
yet feeling lonelier than ever
how does it feel?
after all the effort spent on you
only to return to an empty house
where no one waits
because you pushed them away
so tell me
how is it now?
after punishing yourself
and those who loved you
we know
you are human
you matter.
we’re still not ready to talk about connection
we’re no in same rhyme. not yet
and by the time we are we might be too late
found nothing but loss
to embrace
.that people
you. we matter
.both matter